Product Description
Baby Balance Bike is a great gift as a starter bike for your baby. It helps develop their balance and steering skill,improve coordination ability,self-confidence and independence when they are learning to stand, walk, and play.Baby through use legs to thrust against the ground to go forward which exercise their legs that will help kids walk much more stable.Our toddler balance bike with soft hand grips, comfortable seat and lightweight frame, widen and fully enclosed wheel avoid clamping baby’s feet,ensure baby safe.This baby tricycle welcomed by children and parents.
Carbon steel frame structure, sturdy infant balance bike.
135 degrees steering limit avoid baby’s side falling over, safer playing indoor and outdoor.
Widened EVA + PP wheels can reduce noise and will not scratch your floors.
No pedal fully enclosed design avoid clamping baby’s feet.
Easy to assemble, just need to install the handlebar within minutes.
The overall body is relatively light, easy to carry.
Material: Carbon Steel frame, PP Wheels, PU seat, soft rubber grips
Recommend Age: 10-24 months old
Net Weight: 1.95 KG , Gross weight: 2.3 KG
1.Helmet and protect gear should be worn all times when riding.
2.Baby should be used under adults ‘ supervision and guidance.
Product Features
- SAFE AND STURDY: Our baby balance bike recommended age suitable for 10-24 months.No pedals design,widen and fully enclosed wheel avoid clamping baby’s feet,ensure baby safe.135 degree steering limited to avoid baby side falling.The height from the ground to the seat is 7.87 inch.The seat is low to the ground.
- EASY TO ASSEMBLE: The toddler balance bike no tools required, just need to install the handlebar within minutes as per manual inside,very easy to put together.
- PERFECT STRUCTURE: The baby balance bike use carbon steel frame,soft supportive seat,soft rubber grips and widen enclosed EVA wheels,very stable and sturdy,and won’t scratch floor or walls;overall body is relatively light,easy to carry.
- LEARN TO RIDE: This kids toddler balance tricycle help develop kids balance,steering,coordination and gain confidence.The baby bike is designed to help toddler to learn the basic of balance and develop motor skills,it’s perfect gift for toddler.
- SAFETY GUARANTEE: ASTM F963-11,EN71 Certification Approved.The baby balance bike have been passed safety testings required,please feel assured to choose.