Product Description
Help your child learn the essential first skills of riding a bike with the Yvolution Junior Toddler Balance Bike. Your toddler will feel independent and a sense of achievement while they ride and play. The dual rear wheel helps your child practice riding with added stability and builds their confidence so they can progress to a single-wheeled bike. Adjust the seat and handlebar height so this balance bike can grow with your child. You can even skip the training wheels phase as your child gets used to balancing on this bike at an early age. Don’t worry about safety, because this balance bike has larger wheels and a higher ground clearance so it’s safer for children to play and ride on uneven surfaces. Help your child learn how to ride a bike at an early age with the Yvolution Junior Toddler Balance Bike.
Product Features
- The Y Velo Junior is specially engineered to help kids step up to a pedal bike by three or four years old without using stabilizers!
- The Y Velo Junior improves balance and confidence long before your child learns to ride a pedal bike
- It takes time for children to learn balance, so we designed a balance bike that improves their coordination and reduces the chance of falls.
- Higher ground clearance means the frame won’t get caught on uneven ground providing a safer ride.
- Suitable for ages 18 months and over.